Әль-фараби : The book of Mind

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Al-Farabi was born in 869 AD to a Turkic family in the city of Farab, near Syrdarya's confluence with Arys river. Al-Farabi's contribution to the culture and science of his epoch is quite versatile and prolific. Such scientific disciplines as logic and medicine, cosmology and anatomy, astronomy and the theory of music, philosophy and law were encompassed by the broad range of his interests and internalized with his wise intelligence.
... After thirty seven days with the caravan of Abu Malik, a famous merchant, Al-Farabi's words had reached Persian mountains, Indian jungles, Chinese steppes and the terrains of Deshi-i-Kipshak, the latter being the motherland of the celebrated scholar. These were his words:
"May the bird never lose its wings, and may the man never lose his intelligence. Let the people revering their scholars, poets, brave warriors and hard-workers, be blessed. East ever grow scanty of their sons and daughters who are enlightened by God's grace!"
Inspired by the Second Teacher's profound ideas, I, a sixty-eight-years-old elder, may Al-Farabi's priceless heritage be understood and handed down from generation to generation as a sacred relic, as an immortal asset of the Kazakh nation.
Let Abu Nasr be respected far centuries! He is Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tarkhan ibn Uzlagh Al-Farabi At-Turki, the son of humanity, created and taught by God. Amen.
Rollan Seisenbayev

Abu Nasr Al-Farabi (869-949)
A perfect philosopher in the absolute sense of the word is the one who gains authentic knowledge and gets resolved to attain theoretical virtues, and then puts them in practice. It's only upon following this path of perfection that he is able to impart both types of virtues to peoples and cities.
If a genuine philosopher cannot apply his abilities, then he is good for nothing not due to his essential qualities, but because of the ignorance or dismissal of the others.

ISBN 978-601-7294-35-9
Жанр Классика
Издательство Международный клуб Абая
Год издания 2014
Язык Английский
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